9 Practical Tips for Slashing Your Study Abroad Expenses

International education is a transformative experience that undoubtedly broadens one’s horizons, enhances their academic profile and creates lifelong memories. However, the idea of studying abroad can sometimes turn out to be daunting to some, especially for students who want international exposure but are budget-conscious. No factor is powerful enough to stop a deserving candidate from getting international education. Careful planning and a few strategies make it possible to study abroad on a budget without sacrificing quality education and experience. In this article, we’ve provided practical advice on how one could lower their study abroad budget by choosing a low-tuition fee university, cost-saving measures, affordable accommodation options and other ways to have a budget-friendly experience.

How to study abroad on a budget?

Are you dreaming of studying abroad but worried about the cost? Don’t let your budget stop you from pursuing your academic and personal goals. There are many ways to save money and make your study abroad experience more affordable. Here are nine practical tips for slashing your study abroad expenses and enjoying your adventure without breaking the bank.

1. Look for Low-Tuition Fee Universities

Course and University Shortlist

Think about attending an institution in a country where tuition fees are affordable for international students when choosing a university abroad. There are excellent universities in many countries, such as Germany, Norway, and Finland, that either offers free education or charge very low tuition fees. Find out what programs these universities offer that are aligned with your academic goals by conducting thorough research. Make sure you explore all available options when searching for low tuition fees, as they vary based on the country and the program.

2. Try to Seek Scholarships and Financial Aid


Think about attending an institution in a country where tuition fees are affordable for international students when choosing a university abroad. There are excellent universities in many countries, such as Germany, Norway, and Finland, that either offers free education or charge very low tuition fees. Find out what programs these universities offer that are aligned with your academic goals by conducting thorough research. Make sure you explore all available options when searching for low tuition fees, as they vary based on the country and the program.

3. Make a Realistic Budget

Money - Budget

A realistic budget must be created before you begin your study abroad journey. Make sure you consider all the expenses you may incur, including tuition, accommodation, transportation, meals, textbooks, health insurance, and personal expenses. Make sure you know what the cost of living is in your desired destination. Get an idea of the average monthly expenses by researching online resources, and forums, or reaching out to current or former students who have studied in the same country. You will be able to make informed decisions about your spending throughout your time abroad if you create a budget.

4. Find Affordable Accommodation Options

Student Accommodation

The cost of housing can be significant while studying abroad, but there are some ways to minimize this expense. Shared apartments or renting a room in a local’s house are better alternatives to university-managed housing. You can find more affordable housing options on websites like Airbnb, Craigslist, and local housing portals. You may also be able to save money by moving to a more affordable neighborhood or suburb. When choosing accommodations, consider factors such as safety, accessibility, and proximity to your university.

5. Work Part-Time while Studying

TOEFL Course

Working part-time is an effective way to lower your expenses and manage your finances while studying abroad. Besides providing financial benefits, working part-time also offers valuable opportunities to gain work experience, develop new skills, and build a professional network. A part-time job would help you cover a part of your living costs, and transportation expenses, and cover a part of your tuition fees. Check your destination’s regulations regarding part-time work for international students and consider positions that offer flexibility to accommodate your schedule while studying.

6. Save on Transportation

9 Practical Tips for Slashing Your Study Abroad Expenses 1 - Aim Ladder

The cost of transportation can quickly add up, but there are ways to reduce it. Public transportation options like buses, trams, or trains are a better alternative to taxis or ridesharing services. Public transportation passes are often discounted for students in many cities, so make sure to inquire about any available discounts. Depending on the environment and the location, you can also get around by walking or cycling.

7. Save by Cooking

9 Practical Tips for Slashing Your Study Abroad Expenses 2 - Aim Ladder

Consider cooking as often as you can instead of eating out. Consider accommodations that offer kitchen facilities or shared kitchen facilities. To save money, plan your meals in advance, make a shopping list, and buy groceries in bulk. The benefits of cooking your own meals include staying on budget, exploring local markets, and trying new recipes.

8. Take Advantage of Student Discounts

Test Preparation

There are many discounts and offers available to students in the country where they study abroad. Discounted rates are offered by many museums, theatres, cinemas, restaurants, and shops for students. Make sure you carry your student ID card and ask about student discounts wherever you go. Websites and apps like Student Beans and ISIC (International Student Identity Card) offer a wide range of discounts that can help you save money on entertainment, travel, and everyday expenses.

9. Join Student Clubs to Explore Deals & Low-Cost Activities

9 Practical Tips for Slashing Your Study Abroad Expenses 3 - Aim Ladder

There are many discounts and offers available to students in the country where they study abroad. Discounted rates are offered by many museums, theatres, cinemas, restaurants, and shops for students. Make sure you carry your student ID card and ask about student discounts wherever you go. Websites and apps like Student Beans and ISIC (International Student Identity Card) offer a wide range of discounts that can help you save money on entertainment, travel, and everyday expenses.


In conclusion, even with limited financial resources, studying abroad is an incredible opportunity that combines academic growth with cultural immersion. Resourcefulness, strategic thinking, and an open mind can open up a world of possibilities for students. Don’t be afraid to take the leap, embrace the challenge, and embark on your study abroad journey on a budget. During your time abroad, you will have the opportunity to excel academically, grow personally, and make unforgettable memories.

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